*At this time the Village is accepting rentals for 2025 and 2026*
*Dates that are open will be shown with a Green "Reserve" button. By clicking on this button, available rental times will be given.
Reservations can be made in person, on-line, emailed to recreation@villageofallouez.com or mailed to 1900 Libal Street, Green Bay, WI 54301. Rental reservations that are emailed or mailed are not final until the full rental fee and deposit deposit has been received along with the contract. If your reservation date is within 30 days, please stop in to Village Hall during business hours, or call 448-2800 for more assistance.
Green Isle Park Pavilion offers one of the area’s most magnificent natural settings for hosting a family reunion, picnic, wedding, or baby/bridal shower.
The Pavilion is available for rental throughout the year. Amenities include:
- Heat
- Kitchen facilities
- Restroom facilities
- Tables/chairs for up to 150 people
- Gazebo